Friday, June 12, 2009

Vivaldi's Tour

The Baroque era is the earliest period of classical music from which music is still widely listened to and performed today (although there definitely remains interest in Renaissance as well as earlier music). Most of the famous Baroque composers all lived around the same time. Below is a time line showing when they lived.

All of these composers passed away before the United States of America was born. And during their lives, people still got around either on foot or on horses or by small boat. I wonder which Vivaldi would be more surprised to discover were he to tour the world of the 21st century: (1) the modern system of ground transportation, or (2) his music being rated and discussed on youtube. I imagine the latter would be the more amazing discovery.

Here is one of my favorite works by Vivaldi. I particularly like the third movement (2:45 - 4:35). (I might not have discovered this and many other works without the Internet.)

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